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  • What is Bloodrops therapy?
    Bloodrops® is a new facial treatment for skin rejuvenation, in the form of a home-use topical product that contains a unique cocktail of regenerative growth factors, which are obtained from your own blood.
  • Is Bloodrops therapy safe?
    Yes, the Bloodrops therapy is absolutely safe, since it is autologous (derived from your own blood) and is free of cells. Therefore, there are no risks for immune/allergic reactions.
  • How do i obtain the Bloodrops therapy?
    Bloodrops therapy is easy to obtain. Just call one of our partner clinics to arrange for an appointment. Following blood collection at the clinic, the product is prepared and ready for collection a few days later.
  • What happens at the clinic appointment?
    Once you are at the clinic, you will fill-in a brief medical questionnaire, then the doctor will obtain from you a small amount of blood, as in a normal blood test.
  • How much blood is required for the Bloodrops therapy?
    A very small amount of blood, typically 20ml is required, which is similar to a normal blood test. We recommend that you are fully fed before blood sampling.
  • How long does it take for preparation of my therapy?
    The preparation of the Bloodrops therapy requires a few (3-4) days, after blood sampling at the clinic.
  • What's inside the Bloodrops box?
    Each Bloodrops box contains three glass vials, each filled with 30ml Bloodrops® serum. Each vial also contains an 1ml appicator for precise daily application of the serum.
  • How do i store my Bloodrops box at home?
    The Bloodrops box must always be stored at a cool temperature, 4-5°C within a refrigerator. The growth factors remain bioactive over 3 months, i.e. for the full duration of treatment.
  • Can i have Bloodrops sent to me once it is ready?
    Yes, you can arrange at your prefered clinic to have the Bloodrop box sent to you by post, once it is ready for use.
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